All modules via messaging

This recipe covers processing playbacks using the messaging and utilizing almost any processing module as scautopick, scautoloc, scmag and scevent. One can tweak several processing parameters and test interactions of the entire processing system without running realtime playbacks taking a lot of time. The drawback of this method is that manual interaction is not possible.



The easiest way is to setup a SeisComP3 realtime system including all keyfiles. Therefore it is necessary to disable database updates and to remove the standard processing modules when starting SeisComP3.

Deactive database updates

Disabling database updates is important to replay the same event more than once. Otherwise duplicate objects are going to be generated and produce erroneous result. A nice side effect is that the database does not grow and can be used without performance penalties over time.

To deactivate database updates during the processing disable the dbplugin in scmaster.cfg. To do that edit the local configuration file ~/.seiscomp3/scmaster.cfg and add or modify the parameter plugins.

plugins = ""

Deactive processing modules

The next step is to disable all trunk clients during seiscomp start. Change the Client list parameter and set it to _ or change it in ~/seiscomp3/trunk/key/global directly and change the line containing SC3_CLIENTS to



After everything is configured correctly the messaging of package trunk has to be started:

seiscomp start trunk

The output should look like this:

sysop@host:~$ seiscomp start trunk
SeisComP version 3.0 (2009.163)
starting spread
starting scmaster

Only spread and scmaster have to be started. To check whether database updates are disable or not scautopick can be utilized. In case the database plugin is loaded by scmaster scautopick will not complain about a missing database connection.

scautopick --console=1

The output should look like this:

sysop@host:~$ scautopick --console=1
log to stderr...
13:18:34 [notice] Starting
13:18:34 [notice] Connection to localhost:4803 established
13:18:39 [error] Timeout while waiting for database provide message
13:18:39 [notice] Shutdown

If scautopick run and does not print any further messages check the database plugin configuration again.

To start the playback the following playback script is used:


if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 [mseed-volume] [output-xml]"
    exit 0

DBFLAG="-d mysql://sysop:sysop@localhost/seiscomp3"
FLAGS="--console=1 --verbosity=1 $STORAGE"

# Start EventParameters logging
# Start autoloc
echo "Starting autoloc..."
scautoloc $FLAGS --playback --start-stop-msg=1 --auto-shutdown=1 --shutdown-master-module=scautopick &
echo "Starting magtool..."
scmag $FLAGS --start-stop-msg=1 --auto-shutdown=1 --shutdown-master-module=scautoloc &
echo "Starting eventtool..."
scevent $FLAGS --start-stop-msg=1 --auto-shutdown=1 --shutdown-master-module=scmag &
echo "Starting sceplog..."
sceplog $FLAGS --auto-shutdown=1 --shutdown-master-module=scevent > $2 &
# Start autopick
echo "Starting autopick..."
scautopick -I $1 $FLAGS --start-stop-msg=1
echo "Finished waveform processing"
wait $pid
echo "Finished event processing"

NOTE: To adjust the database connection modify the DBFLAG parameter.

To start a playback the Miniseed volume is passed as first parameter. The second parameter is the resulting output XML file.

sysop@host:~$ sh event.mseed-sorted event.xml


The output file can be analyzed using the SeisComP3 libraries (C++ or Python) or by hand using any XML parser available.

scbulletin can be used to convert it into the SeisComP3 bulletin format.

scbulletin -i event.xml -3 > event.bulletin
