This page refers to the old SeisComP 3 version, and may no longer be accurate.
See for the latest version.
- use ~/.seiscomp3/*/templates as an alternative template directory
- added Arrival.takeOffAngle
- version increased to 0.6
- Archive version check and version dependent serialization => binary compatibility with older systems
- database schema changes, the following script is for MySQL only and needs
modifications for PostgreSQL or other database backends
CREATE TABLE `Meta` ( `name` char(80) NOT NULL, `value` blob NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`name`)) ENGINE=INNODB; INSERT INTO Meta(name,value) VALUES ('Schema-Version', '0.6'); INSERT INTO Meta(name,value) VALUES ('Creation-Time', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); ALTER TABLE `Arrival` ADD COLUMN `takeOffAngle` double NULL AFTER `distance`; ALTER TABLE `Comment` DROP INDEX `_parent_oid`, ADD UNIQUE INDEX `_parent_oid` (`_parent_oid`, `id`); ALTER TABLE `FocalMechanism` MODIFY COLUMN `nodalPlanes_nodalPlane1_strike_value` double NULL AFTER `triggeringOriginID`, MODIFY COLUMN `nodalPlanes_nodalPlane1_dip_value` double NULL AFTER `nodalPlanes_nodalPlane1_strike_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `nodalPlanes_nodalPlane1_rake_value` double NULL AFTER `nodalPlanes_nodalPlane1_dip_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `nodalPlanes_nodalPlane2_strike_value` double NULL AFTER `nodalPlanes_nodalPlane1_used`, MODIFY COLUMN `nodalPlanes_nodalPlane2_dip_value` double NULL AFTER `nodalPlanes_nodalPlane2_strike_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `nodalPlanes_nodalPlane2_rake_value` double NULL AFTER `nodalPlanes_nodalPlane2_dip_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `principalAxes_tAxis_azimuth_value` double NULL AFTER `nodalPlanes_used`, MODIFY COLUMN `principalAxes_tAxis_plunge_value` double NULL AFTER `principalAxes_tAxis_azimuth_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `principalAxes_tAxis_length_value` double NULL AFTER `principalAxes_tAxis_plunge_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `principalAxes_pAxis_azimuth_value` double NULL AFTER `principalAxes_tAxis_length_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `principalAxes_pAxis_plunge_value` double NULL AFTER `principalAxes_pAxis_azimuth_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `principalAxes_pAxis_length_value` double NULL AFTER `principalAxes_pAxis_plunge_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `principalAxes_nAxis_azimuth_value` double NULL AFTER `principalAxes_pAxis_length_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `principalAxes_nAxis_plunge_value` double NULL AFTER `principalAxes_nAxis_azimuth_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `principalAxes_nAxis_length_value` double NULL AFTER `principalAxes_nAxis_plunge_confidenceLevel`; ALTER TABLE `MomentTensor` MODIFY COLUMN `tensor_Mrr_value` double NULL AFTER `scalarMoment_used`, MODIFY COLUMN `tensor_Mtt_value` double NULL AFTER `tensor_Mrr_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `tensor_Mpp_value` double NULL AFTER `tensor_Mtt_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `tensor_Mrt_value` double NULL AFTER `tensor_Mpp_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `tensor_Mrp_value` double NULL AFTER `tensor_Mrt_confidenceLevel`, MODIFY COLUMN `tensor_Mtp_value` double NULL AFTER `tensor_Mrp_confidenceLevel`;
A Postgres script has been provided by Stephan Heimers / ETHZ which also might need adjustments regarding the owner role of the Meta table:CREATE TABLE meta("name" character(80) NOT NULL, "value" varchar(255) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "Primary Key" PRIMARY KEY (name)) WITH (OIDS=FALSE); ALTER TABLE meta OWNER TO sysop; INSERT INTO meta (name,value) VALUES ('Schema-Version', '0.6'); INSERT INTO meta (name,value) VALUES ('Creation-Time', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); ALTER TABLE arrival ADD COLUMN m_takeOffAngle double precision; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _parent_oid ON "comment" USING btree (_parent_oid, m_id); ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_nodalPlanes_nodalPlane1_strike_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_nodalPlanes_nodalPlane1_dip_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_nodalPlanes_nodalPlane1_rake_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_nodalPlanes_nodalPlane2_strike_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_nodalPlanes_nodalPlane2_dip_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_nodalPlanes_nodalPlane2_rake_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_principalAxes_tAxis_azimuth_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_principalAxes_tAxis_plunge_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_principalAxes_tAxis_length_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_principalAxes_pAxis_azimuth_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_principalAxes_pAxis_plunge_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_principalAxes_pAxis_length_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_principalAxes_nAxis_azimuth_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_principalAxes_nAxis_plunge_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE FocalMechanism ALTER COLUMN m_principalAxes_nAxis_length_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE momenttensor ALTER COLUMN m_tensor_mrr_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE momenttensor ALTER COLUMN m_tensor_mtt_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE momenttensor ALTER COLUMN m_tensor_mpp_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE momenttensor ALTER COLUMN m_tensor_mrt_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE momenttensor ALTER COLUMN m_tensor_mrp_value DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE momenttensor ALTER COLUMN m_tensor_mtp_value DROP NOT NULL;
- scmaster checks the database schema version and doesn't start if the version doesn't
match the latest version. This behaviour can be disabled in scmaster.cfg with
plugins.dbPlugin.strictVersionCheck = false
- LOCSAT uses backAzimuth/slowness of picks if available
- NLL provides take-off angles if supported by used grids
- combined slinkMax option, eg combined://host1:18000;host2:18001??slinkMax=7200
- new ewexport_pasv Seedlink plugin
- MLsed renamed to MLh
- new BK picker
- --config-db to load the database configuration from XML
- log object flow
- configurable timespan
logging.objects.timeSpan = 60
- amplitudes per station configuration
amplitudes.enable = true | false amplitudes.[type].enable = true | false amplitudes.[type].noiseBegin amplitudes.[type].noiseEnd amplitudes.[type].signalBegin amplitudes.[type].signalEnd amplitudes.[type].snrMin amplitudes.[type].resp.taper = secs amplitudes.[type].resp.minFreq = hz amplitudes.[type].resp.maxFreq = hz
MLh.ClippingThreshold = counts
- per station magnitude calibration
# Default is 1.0 mag.[type].multiplier = float # Default is 0.0 mag.[type].offset = float
which corrects the magnitude calculated by a certain processor with m'=multiplier*m+offset
- new command line option "-C" to dump the database configuration
- additional AUTHOR priorities
- delayed association
eventAssociation.delayTimeSpan = secs eventAssociation.delayFilter.agencyID eventAssociation.delayFilter.evaluationMode
- region filter for association
# Optional, can be left out eventAssociation.region.rect = -90,-180,90,180 # Optional, can be left out eventAssociation.region.minDepth = 0 # Optional, can be left out eventAssociation.region.maxDepth = 100
- can handle plugins
- first plugin MMI (max Modified Mercalli Intensity above the source)
plugins = ${plugins}, evmmi
- first plugin MMI (max Modified Mercalli Intensity above the source)
- new matching arrivals selection option
# If this time window in seconds is negative, pickIDs # are compared to find matching arrivals. A non negative # value (including 0) compares pick times regardless # of the pickID. # Pass: |pick1.time - pick2.time| <= threshold eventAssociation.maximumMatchingArrivalTimeDiff = -1 # This parameter is only used in conjunction with # eventAssociation.maximumMatchingArrivalTimeDiff. If a station # has multiple associated arrivals for a particular event, this # flag defines if the time distance of a new pick to all arrivals # must be within eventAssociation.maximumMatchingArrivalTimeDiff # or if one matching arrival is enough. eventAssociation.compareAllArrivalTimes = true
- amplitude target group configurable, connection.amplitudeGroup = AMPLITUDE
- if a filter cannot be compiled, the applications throws an error and quits
- many new features that still need documentation...
- added focal mechanism objects to default routing table
- added focal mechanism support
- new application to log state-of-health messages into XML files
- save settings (window position & size, ...)
- map can display custom fep regions
map.layers.fep.visible = true # Set rank for regions map.layers.fep.rank = 3 # Draw names (default is off) map.layers.fep.drawName = true
- new artificial origin dialog to set the depth (default is 10km)
- can show event comments, eg intensity computed with scevent-MMI plugin = "MMI" display.event.comment.label = "Intensity" display.event.comment.default = "-"
- amplitude picking
- delete arrivals
- rename phases
- load events in advance
- fm plot uses arrivals take-off angles
- if no take-off angles are available an option has been added to
compute missing take-off angles (Settings (F3) -> Compute missing take-off angles)
olv.computeMissingTakeOffAngles = true
- if no take-off angles are available an option has been added to
compute missing take-off angles (Settings (F3) -> Compute missing take-off angles)
- pick polarities, pick uncertainties
- ZRT, ZNE rotation
- added depth to artifial origin dialog: olv.defaultDepth sets default depths
- compute missing take off angles
- can put comment on events
- can assign an earthquake name to an event
- show wait cursor while relocating
- added option to set default depth in artificial origin dialog
olv.defaultDepth = 10