Additional command-line options
-l, --longhelp:
show extended help message and exit
-y SERVICE, --service=SERVICE:
target service (default dataselect)
additional query parameter
-p POST_FILE, --post-file=POST_FILE:
request file in FDSNWS POST format
-f ARCLINK_FILE, --arclink-file=ARCLINK_FILE:
request file in ArcLink format
-b BREQFAST_FILE, --breqfast-file=BREQFAST_FILE:
request file in breq_fast format
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE:
file where downloaded data is written
Request 60 minutes of the "LHZ" channel of EIDA stations starting with "A" for a seismic event around 2010-02-27 07:00 (UTC). Optionally add "-v" for verbosity. Resulting Mini-SEED data will be written to file "data.mseed".
$ fdsnws_fetch -N '*' -S 'A*' -L '*' -C 'LHZ' -s "2010-02-27T07:00:00Z" -e "2010-02-27T08:00:00Z" -v -o data.mseed
The above request is anonymous and therefore restricted data will not be included. To include restricted data, use a file containing a token obtained from an EIDA authentication service and/or a CSV file with username and password for each node not implementing the EIDA auth extension.
$ fdsnws_fetch -a token.asc -c credentials.csv -N '*' -S 'A*' -L '*' -C 'LHZ' -s "2010-02-27T07:00:00Z" -e "2010-02-27T08:00:00Z" -v -o data.mseed
StationXML metadata for the above request can be requested using the following command:
$ fdsnws_fetch -N '*' -S 'A*' -L '*' -C 'LHZ' -s "2010-02-27T07:00:00Z" -e "2010-02-27T08:00:00Z" -y station -q level=response -v -o station.xml
Multiple query parameters can be used:
$ fdsnws_fetch -N '*' -S '*' -L '*' -C '*' -s "2010-02-27T07:00:00Z" -e "2010-02-27T08:00:00Z" -y station -q format=text -q level=channel -q latitude=20 -q longitude=-150 -q maxradius=15 -v -o station.txt
Bulk requests can be made in ArcLink (-f), breq_fast (-b) or native FDSNWS POST (-p) format. Query parameters should not be included in the request file, but specified on the command line.
$ cat >req.arclink 2010,02,18,12,00,00 2010,02,18,12,10,00 GE WLF BH* 2010,02,18,12,00,00 2010,02,18,12,10,00 GE VSU BH* $ fdsnws_fetch -f req.arclink -y station -q level=channel -v -o station.xml
In order to access restricted data, you need an authentication token that can be obtained by sending an email to, containing
.AUTH your_email_address
The location of token file can be specified with "-a"; if ${HOME}/.eidatoken exists, it is used by default.
fdsnws2sds can be used to download large amounts of waveform data from EIDA FDSN web services. Compared to fdsnws_fetch
- Only command-line options can be used, no request files.
- Only waveform requests are supported.
- Large requests are automatically split into small pieces to avoid exceeding limits.
- Data is saved as SDS structure.
- Download can be stopped and restarted.
Additional command-line options
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR:
SDS directory where downloaded data is written
-l MAX_LINES, --max-lines=MAX_LINES
max lines per request (default 1000)
-m MAX_TIMESPAN, --max-timespan=MAX_TIMESPAN
max timespan per request in minutes (default 1440)
$ fdsnws2sds -N 7G -s 2014-04-01 -e 2018-01-01 -o SDS
fdsnws2seed can be used to obtain full SEED and dataless SEED data with EIDA FDSN web services. Usage of fdsnws2seed is recommended when SEED format is required for compatibility with old applications. New applications should use FDSN StationXML instead of SEED.
Additional command-line options
additional query parameter
-p POST_FILE, --post-file=POST_FILE:
request file in FDSNWS POST format
-f ARCLINK_FILE, --arclink-file=ARCLINK_FILE:
request file in ArcLink format
-b BREQFAST_FILE, --breqfast-file=BREQFAST_FILE:
request file in breq_fast format
-d, --dataless:
create dataless SEED volume
-l LABEL, --label=LABEL:
label of SEED volume
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE:
file where SEED data is written
$ cat >req.breq .NAME Joe Seismologist .INST GFZ Potsdam .END WLF GE 2017 08 01 12 00 00.0000 2017 08 01 12 10 00.0000 01 BH? $ ./fdsnws2seed -v -r 1 -b req.breq -o req.seed