Frequently Asked Questions

<ol><li><a href="#FrequentlyAskedQuestions">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li><li> <a href="#Documentation">Documentation</a></li><li> <a href="#InstallationandSetup">Installation and Setup</a></li><li> <a href="#Visualisingdata">Visualising data</a></li><li> <a href="#Troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a></li><li> <a href="#Processing">Processing</a></li><li> <a href="#AmplitudeCalculation">Amplitude Calculation</a><ol><li><a href="#ML">ML</a></li></ol></li></ol>

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers about installing and setting up SeisComP3.


We're aware of this problem. You can print out a single PDF of the main documentation by going to and clicking the "Latex-Pdf" link down the bottom of the page there. Open the PDF, and print just the pages you need. Printing PDF for other parts of the wiki doesn't work.

Installation and Setup

Do not be alarmed. In a Python module "sets" is used but has been replaced by something else (probably better). The module "sets" will later on be removed but this transitional warning gives developers enough time (years) to adopt their codes. The code continues to work as expected and you can safely ignore the warning. [JS]

In global.cfg or for the configuration file for a particular application, set

recordstream.service = combined
recordstream.source = host.domain:18000;host.domain:18001

where 18000 and 18001 are the ports used for the SeedLink and ArcLink server respectively.

Visualising data

There are many. :)

  1. You can obtain waveform data via ArcLink from e.g. using arclink_fetch.
  2. One is to visit this URL to see a low-resolution graphic of data collected at GEOFON:
    Change XXX to your station code, and away you go! This shows the data collected today, up until a few minutes ago. You can see data from previous days by changing today to a date specified as YYYY-MM-DD in the URL:
  3. You can use scheli:
     ~/seiscomp3/trunk/bin/scheli --stream GE.APE..BHZ -I "combined://localhost:18000;localhost:18001"
    adjusting the stream name and the Seedlink and Arclink server locations as appropriate.
  4. If you have a mini-SEED data file and the GUI tools installed, you can view the data in the file with scrttv:
    scrttv --offline --record-file mydata.seed --buffer-size 3600
    where the --buffer-size argument is the length of the data in seconds.
  5. dumpwaveform is a Python script to dump waveform data from different acquisition sources to stdout.


System does not run, autopick does not pick, no locations, etc.

Does your set-up see the data at all? First try

slinktool -Q server:port | grep XYZ

That should show the time span of data streams for the station in SeedLink’s ring buffer, which should be recent.

scrttv displays the configured stream of a particular station defined by the DETEC_STREAM variable in the station's trunk/key file, trunk/key/station_AB_XYZ (where AB and XYZ are the network and station code of the station). This channel must be defined in the top level key file, key/station_AB_XYZ.

Probably your config for scrttv (~/.seiscomp3/scrttv.cfg) doesn't include the stream you want. You may need something like this = *.*.*.BHZ,*.*.*.HHZ 
#or just show particular stations:
# = CH.SAIRA.*.*,CH.SOLB.*.*,CH.GRIMS.*.* 

Some users reported problems. Removing the socket file /tmp/4803 which is created when spread starts, and normally deleted during shutdown, might help. An Ubuntu 10.4 user reported having to create the /var/run/spread directory by hand.

Try running spread manually:

spread -n localhost -c ~/seiscomp3/trunk/etc/spread.conf

and check the output.


(JB, 2011-11-16) The Zurich release of SeisComP supports this: in any .cfg file read by scautopick/scamp/scolv and others that may compute amplitudes, add:

module.trunk.AB.CDEFG.amplitudes.enable = false


module.trunk.AB.CDEFG.amplitudes.MLv.enable = false
module.trunk.AB.CDEFG.amplitudes.mb.enable = false

Amplitude Calculation


Wood Anderson Filter is automatically applying a norm factor of 2800. Therefore the resulting amplitudes are in the range of micrometer per seconds.