SeisComP Community Add-Ons

This page aims to collect information about packages designed to work with and enhance the functionality of SeisComP but are not part of the SeisComP package. Be aware that packages listed here might be experimental and are not always well-tested. Please check the documentation of each package for its respective license.
Name Institution Description
scdetect ETH Zürich Real-time earthquake detection based on waveform cross-correlation
scdlpicker GFZ Potsdam SeisComP/SeisBench interface to enable deep-learning (re)picking in SeisComP
scmert GFZ Potsdam Real-time energy magnitude
scrtdd ETH Zürich Real-time double difference event relocation
sed-eew ETH Zürich Modules for earthquake early warning
If you have developed a package fitting the above criteria, which works with the current version of SeisComP, and would like to have it listed here please write to us at